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Advances in Risk Modelling

Welcome to Advances in Risk Modelling

The Workshop "Advances in Risk Modelling and Applications to Finance and Climate Risk" will be held on July 2-3, 2024 at the campus of WU Wien.


This event is jointly organized by the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics (WU Wien) and the Wolfgang Pauli Institute.

This two-day workshop will showcase recent advances in risk modelling and quantification. There will be a blend of methodological contributions and applications, mostly in the areas of financial and climate risk. A major theme will be to identify and address challenges posed by complex data structures, rare events or intricate forms of dependence arising in these areas.

The format is a combination of invited presentations by leading international experts, and a limited number of contributed short talks. Moreover, there will be ample time for networking and informal discussion. Young researchers are particularly encouraged to submit a short talk.

Submission and Registration
Important Deadlines
  • Paper Submission: March 11 to April 21, 2024 (23:59)
  • Acceptance notification: early May
  • Registration: May 8 to June 16, 2024
    Registration via online form will be possible from May 8 onwards. Registrations via e-mail are not possible and will not be accepted.

    The workshop is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

    Due to space and time constraints, contributed talks will be selected by the organizers; registrations by non-presenting attendees will be treated on a first come first serve basis.

Program Committee

Rüdiger Frey (WU)
Johanna Neslehova (McGill University and WU)


Katrin Artner
Claudia Hoffmann

Please contact us at: ARM2024@wu.ac.at

Workshop Location: 

WU Vienna
Building D5
Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna